About Us
Psychedelic Clubs nationwide consist of a network of local and university community based chapters. These peer-led, grassroots organizations foster a community centered on education and destigmatization. Clubs promote education, connection, healing, and recreating responsibly. Through gathering and learning together, we boost awareness of the nuances of psychedelic movements, psychedelic exceptionalism, and indigenous reciprocity. Communities exist to give power back to people while holding space for regulated medical models.
Clubs are a place for discourse, support, and advocacy for the psychedelic movement. A public and inclusive chapter based community non-profit, we bring like-hearted humans together and provide a social venue in which psychedelic interests are normalized, accepted, and understood.
National Board of Volunteer Directors

Katie Etcheverry
Katie Etcheverry is a change maker, disruptor, and community organizer. They’ve worked on multiple ballot initiatives including the designation of social consumption spaces and housing justice. In 2018, they petitioned for the decriminalization of psilocybin mushrooms in the city and county of Denver, Colorado. It was here that they met the Psychedelic Club of Denver and helped the first city in the US to decriminalize mushrooms. Rooted in social justice and the desire to advocate for people living without housing, Katie was a plaintiff in a federal lawsuit in 2019 that sued the city of Denver for the unconstitutional Urban Camping Ban. Katie has also shown their dedication to drug policy reform by circulating a petition in Washington D.C. for a ballot initiative to decriminalize entheogens. After joining the executive board of the Psychedelic Club of Denver in 2020, Katie spearheaded the creation of a membership option, successfully monetizing the organization. Katie was then instrumental in creating free services to the community, such as a free substance checking service and free monthly integration circles. Katie currently serves as the President of the Psychedelic Club National Office and the CXO of the Psychedelic Club of Denver. They remain invested in creating safe and accessible community spaces, promoting cognitive liberty, advocating for harm reduction, and furthering the destigmatization of all substance use.

Joey Gallagher
Executive Director
Joey has an extensive background in the organization of community and has been the leader of the Denver chapter since 2017. Science and skepticism dominate Joey's beliefs as he looks forward to a more open and free society.

Gregory Paustenbach
The Sleeping Octopus Assembly of Psychedelics in 2018 was a conduit for Gregory to emerge, amplify and connect within the local and national community. Serving as board member for the Pittsburgh chapter of Psychedelic Club since 2019, holding space for individuals to connect on a regular basis. This sense of community is the keystone to the efforts made and needed to apply his journey to this work. Employed in a psychiatric hospital for over a decade, the etiology of psychological behaviors was a focal point as care was provided. Pursuing a lifelong interest in bodywork, the study of myofascial trigger point therapy focused the lens of addressing pain and dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system. The fascial connection of the mind, body and spirit was further explored as non ordinary states of consciousness put a third point of perspective into the equation.

Chad Tannous
Director of Communications
Chad Tannous is a psychedelic advocate, event planner, drug educator, and PR professional living in Denver Colorado. Originally from New Jersey, Chad graduated from CU Boulder in the spring of 2021, where he was the SSDP chapter president, and co-president of the CU Boulder Psychedelic Club chapter. Chad became involved in the psychedelic professional community in colorado in 2021 when he publicaly came forward as a survivor of therapy abuse at the hands of a psychedelic therapist. From then on, his work began to focus primarily on social justice and ethics in the psychedelic field. In 2022 he was voted onto the Board of Directors of Psychedelic Club’s national office, and lead a board rebuilding process which saw a new remote board elected from Psychedelic Club chapter leaders across America. Chad is a PR Researcher and Consultant by trade. Chad is of Lebanese Refugee decent and is an avid cook, having learned old country recipes from his grandmother.

Jess Aumick
Website Administrator & SEO Specialist
Jess is a passionate advocate for legal and cultural reform.
Regional Representatives

Satya Rath
Satya’s investment into drug policy reform and harm reduction began during her undergrad when she ran the chapter for Students for Sensible Drug Policy. That year she spearheaded the eighth annual Cannabis and Psychedelic Symposium, a panel based discussion designed to platform influential figures in both cannabis and psychedelic spaces, for discussions about science, policy, and socio-cultural factors. Satya has been trained by N.E.S.T (National Emotional Support Team) in psychedelic peer support- and soon to be certified by the Zendo Project as well. You will see her volunteering at music festivals in their harm reduction sanctuary spaces. She is very involved in the Boulder and Denver communities and has thrown her own conscious community event. Satya is set to finish massage therapy school in 2024 and wishes to continue into the vast field of holistic healing. A cat mom, a nanny, and devoted to her full time job, Satya sees a future of policy reform and the cultivation of safe spaces within her future.

Julio Martinez
Julio Martinez, also known as J, is a passionate advocate for mental health and the transformative potential of psychedelics. With automotive racing, particularly road racing, being a huge part of his life, J has always been drawn to the thrill of pushing boundaries. Having built his own race car and raced in his younger years, he knows the importance of focus, determination, and embracing challenges. Beyond the racing world, J’s interests extend to literature, movies, and the exploration of consciousness. He finds particular fascination in documentaries and books on the human psyche, with a special emphasis on psychedelics. J has accumulated extensive knowledge and personal experience with a variety of psychedelics, making them his true passion. He has dedicated years to studying psychedelics and their potential applications for mental health. As the President of the Psychedelic Club of San Antonio, TX, a Core Member of Decriminalize Nature SATX, and a Regional Representative for the Psychedelic Club National, J actively advocates for the responsible use of psychedelics in the context of mental illness. He is affiliated with organizations such as MAPS, DoubleBlind, and the Psychedelic Club of Denver, participating in webinars and completing courses to further his understanding. With a compassionate and empathetic approach, J has gained experience in sitting for individuals seeking improved mental health and self-understanding through psychedelics. Drawing from the wisdom from pioneers in psychedelics, J incorporates their teachings into his own practice. Driven by a thirst for knowledge and a desire to help others, J aims to make a difference by raising awareness, providing insights, offering advice, and sharing his personal experiences and life story. He believes in the power of psychedelic experiences to unlock profound personal growth and healing, and he is dedicated to supporting others on their own transformative journeys.